Muzej savremene umjetnosti<br />Republike Srpske

Museum of Contemporary Art
of Republic of Srpska


The programme of the workshop for the youth was created in collaboration with the artist Sandra Dukić, and the participants were first-year and third-year students of the Banja Luka Gymnasium.

At the beginning of the workshop ’’Hands Do What the Heart Feels’’, the artist introduced participants to her concept of work and to the various materials which are used in contemporary art. Workshop participants learned about the methods and ways in which the artist comes to the realisation of her works, and why she primarily uses textile as an artistic medium.

After the intorduction, workshop participants had the opportunity to create their works and in thar way express their views on contemporary art, feminism and gender equality, all of this under the mentorship of the artist.

The aim of the workshop is for young people to understand how art can be used to help them deal with gender equality issues, as well as all other phenomena in society, and thus directly participate in the creation of certain attitudes.