Seventy-one children took part in this one-day art workshop for preschoolers and young primary school children.
The exhibited works of art allowed the workshop participants to learn about the four masters of 20th-century Serbian art, discuss the similarities and differences between their works and try to feel and discover their sensibilities and characteristics. In the creative part of the workshop the children made drawings and collages, with the help of reproductions of the exhibits, thus combining the different creations of the four artists to form one work.
The aim of the art workshop was for the children to learn to recognise different ways of artistic expression, and also to attempt to link works of art with the painters on the basis of the visual elements they used.
Moderators: Tijana Palkovljević Bugarski, Director, Gallery of the Matica Srpska, Jelena Ognjanović, Curator, Gallery of the Matica Srpska, and Snežana Mišić, Senior Curator, Gallery of the Matica Srpska
The workshop was held in cooperation with the Gallery of the Matica Srpska, Novi Sad.
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