Muzej savremene umjetnosti<br />Republike Srpske

Museum of Contemporary Art
of Republic of Srpska


In an event accompanying the exhibit “Microstories – Contemporary Female Art and Its Post-2000 Contexts”, two lectures were delivered, by Professor Bojаna Pejić, Ph.D., art historian (Berlin), and Dunja Blаžević, director of the Sarajevo Centre for Contemporary Art (SCCA).

Prof. Bojаnа Pejić presented the exhibition “Gender Check – Femininity and Masculinity in the Art of Eastern Europe”, which was shown at the Stiftung Ludwig Museum of Modern Art (MUMOK) in Vienna in 2009/2010.

The goal of the project was to learn about how images/paintings, regardless of whether products of the “official” art/visual culture or counter-culture, have constructed femininity and masculinity in Eastern European art since the 1960’s. The exhibition and accompanying publications are based on and reference research conducted in twenty-four post-socialist countries. This was the first research project to focus on art made during the period of state socialism from the feminist perspective.

Dunjа Blаžević presented the exhibition “Dowry” organised by the Sarajevo Centre for Contemporary Art as part of the project “Women’s Heritage – A Contribution to Equality in Culture”, launched by the Centre for Women’s Studies in Zagreb. The core exhibition shows the work of several female artists from Bosnia and Herzegovina, who travel through Belgrade, Ljubljana and Zagreb, cities that are homes to the organisations involved in the project, and who are joined by women artists from these cities. The aim of the exhibition is to generate a creative discussion between women authors/artists with a shared historical heritage, who work following similar art, gender and social agendas.