Muzej savremene umjetnosti<br />Republike Srpske

Museum of Contemporary Art
of Republic of Srpska


The stop motion animation workshop held at the Museum of Contemporary Art of the Republic of Srpska was the very first in a series of creative events for children.

The workshop included both theory and practice, with the aim of teaching the participating children the basics of animation, from a concept to a completed project. The goal of the workshop was raising public awareness about the importance of educating school-attending children and promoting and teaching animation as a form of creative activity, which combines in it a number of disciplines.

The two-day workshop consisted of a series of short exercises in stop motion animation. The participants were expected to come up with and implement their own ideas, and also to prepare a script and draw a storyboard for a joint animation project. They jointly made a short animated commercial for the Night of Museums 2012, which was broadcast on Radio Television of the Republic of Srpska and during the all-night event The Night of Museums held at the Museum of Contemporary Art of the Republic of Srpska.

Workshop moderator: Miodrаg Mаnojlović, artist

Project coordinator: Rаdenko Milаk, artist

The project was carried out in association with the Protok Centre for Visual Communication and supported by the Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports of the Government of the Republic of Srpska.