This is the latest project by Mladen Miljanović which consists of series of works that were created in the past three years, and the exhibition in Banja Luka will show the 12 works that are divided into two sections.
The first section includes works that are mainly made up of paintings, texts and sounds for which the artists uses his home, a place where he spent his childhood, as raw material for his work. In the second section, Miljanović uses art to center the problems which threaten everyday life.
The central point of this whole exhibition is an idyllic photo wallpaper, a would-be decorative item from the artist’s parents’ bedroom, the source of the idea underlying the thematic units of the exhibition unified through media use, by means of the art of performance, research processes, spatial installations, marble objects and drawings, conceptual reflections on the key benchmarks from the history of art.
In ''My Parents Bedroom'', Mladen Miljanović takes the narratives of conflict and identity as departure points for his engagement with social, political and cultural spaces of BiH. But rather than playing into the trope of a country caught in a prolonged state of ”crisis”, he approaches conflict and identity as spatio-temporal categories of experiencing the present. Miljanović asks what does it mean to speak about identity and conflict in a region that has existed in a historical ”meantime” for decades? Rather than offering ready answers, his exhibition critically reframes the question through personal narratives and local aesthetics.
By pitting individual struggle against universal struggle in the works comprising this exhibition, Miljanović clearly states that it is time for us to decide if the future of our society will be that of a culture of commemoration and conflict narratives, or of living and prosperity, one in which we will finally find true love.
Curator of the exhibition is Sarita Vujković, PhD, Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Republic of Srpska, who is the author of the introduction in the catalogue of this exhibition, along with Róna Kopeczky, art historian and curator of the ACB Gallery in Budapest, and Uroš Čvoro, PhD, professor of Contemporary Art Theory at the ''UNSW'' in Sydney.
The artist will do a performance titled ''Guard of Honor'' at the opening of the exhibition.
Mladen Miljanović is one of the youngest representatives of the ''war generation'' of Banja Luka artists, whose work is based on his personal existential experience: on one side, that is the experience of growing up in the time of war and the period after in a country that is devastated, impoverished, ethnically and territorially divided and isolated; on the other side, his work is based on his formal education (he attended the School for reserve officers). Consequences of war (his work with people who were left disabled after the war) and the knowledge he acquired in military school (his use of the senseless military ''image vocabulary'' in a new, artistic concept), make the basic reference field of Miljanović's work as an artist.
Two completely different experiences intersect in one place- after the war, the University of Banja Luka was moved into the former Vrbas military barracks. The Academy of Arts is located in one of the buildings of the Vrbas barracks. His work in situ comes from his reaction to the physical and functional past of this place, and to the genius loci. ''By drawing the parallel between the past of this space and its transformation into a diametrically different function which it has today, I take over the role of a mediator in the process of constructive deconstruction which happens (the process) between the two realities.''
He exhibited his works both individually and collectivelly in galleries and museums around the world. Some of the recent exhibitions are ''On the Edge'', at the ACB Gallery in Budapest, ''Good Night- State of Body'' on New York, Zagreb and Venice, as well as representing Bosnia and Herzegovina at the 55th La Biennale di Venezia with the project ''Garden of Delights''.
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