The concept of the exhibition “Microstories” problematises the context of gender identity policies as found in contemporary female art.
The selected artists (Sаndrа Dukić, Mаrgаretа Kern, Irmа Mаrkulin, Borjаnа Mrđа) show a heightened sensitivity towards micro-community, empathy and emotional engagement, that is, a propensity to handle small things with gentleness and intimacy, which may be a special quality of the female being. Their immediate reactions, actions and dealing on the spot, their sense of responsibility – it all paves the way for the aesthetics of “little storiesˮ, i.e. microstories.
The selection includes primarily those works that seek to offer a critical revaluation of the past, reflect on their own standing relative to historical events, the socialist system of the previous era, and re-examine [human] subjects in the framework of the feminist spatiality, as well as deliberate on feminist action in the new historical circumstances.
On the other hand, the term “microstoriesˮ can be interpreted from a completely different perspective, that of the perception of female art practices in the Balkans, with a strong focus on the area of Bosnia and Herzegovina. If all the characteristics and the specificity of this particular area are taken into account, a considerable number of female artists of different ages and from different backgrounds have emerged onto the local art scene recently. As they engage with the world around them, they direct their attention to topics ranging from those of female activism and feminism, to subtle examinations of human nature, very much like female artists from the wider region, Eastern and Southeastern Europe.
Exhibition author: Dr.Sc. Sаritа Vujković
The exhibition “Microstories” was supported by the FIGAP.
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