Muzej savremene umjetnosti<br />Republike Srpske

Museum of Contemporary Art
of Republic of Srpska


After being exhibited with great success at the Venice Biennale, followed by an equally successful show at the Art Pavilion in Zagreb, the project "Between the Sky and the Earth" by Kata Mijatović was staged at The Museum of Contemporary Art of the Republic of Srpska in Banja Luka as a multimedia ambient installation.

This attractive show included the interactive portal "Dream Archive", videos and photographs of  the performances staged by the artist over her 20-year-long career, and the spatially and contextually peculiar video entitled "Unconscious: Canal Grande", or the performance she specially staged for the Croatian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale.

For the needs of her MSURS exhibition the artist brought an authentic Venetian white gondola, in which she gave this performance, which was the center piece of the exhibition.The Banja Luka visitors had the opportunity to actively participate in the exhibition, by using the interactive installation ‘Dream Archive’ to enter accounts of their dreams in the homonymous Internet portal and so enrich this unique virtual database of dreams, launched in May 2013, which already had dream accounts of more than 2,000 visitors entered during the 55th Venice Biennale.

Curator of project/exhibition: Branko Franceschi

Curator of MSURS exhibition: Žana Vukičević