Muzej savremene umjetnosti<br />Republike Srpske

Museum of Contemporary Art
of Republic of Srpska


Radenko Milak and Roman Uranjek, "Dates 1", organised by the Museum of Contemporary Art of the Republic of Srpska, was held at the Gallery of Matica Srpska in Novi Sad.

The "Dates" project and "Dates 1" exhibition were the first events by MSURS to be shown as a guest exhibition at the Gallery of Matica Srpska, implemented under the cooperation agreement between the two institutions. The “Datesˮ project by Radenko Milak and Roman Uranjek, launched in 2015, is a particular discussion between two artists characterised by different artistic positions and life circumstances. Making their artistic sensitivities meet, the two artists connected the new contemporary art scene of the Republic of Srpska with the well-established Slovenian art scene, offering a kind of universal aesthetics that does not engage in local themes. They were connected by their previous solo projects, their deliberations on the complexity of time and space, their different conceptual points of departure, which essentially raise the issue of time, the only nonrenewable resource among those humans have at their disposal.

In the period between 1st January and 31st December 2013, the Banja Luka-based artist Radenko Milak painted watercolours on each of the year’s 365 consecutive days, focusing on different historical events that took place in the 20th and 21st centuries. Using painting as a process to create the work "365 Images of Time", each day Milak chose documentary photographs as a basis for painting his daily watercolour monochrome records, realistic objective responses to reality and the events that transpired in the past.

On the other hand, the art project "At Least One Cross a Day After 1.1. 2002" by the Slovenian artist Roman Uranjek is a personal, highly subjective collection of diary entries, with the cross as the dominant motif. Feeling the need to build his identity as an artist while simultaneously working as member of the IRWIN Group, Uranjek created works as means to express his personal thoughts for well over twelve years, building his own distinct symbolic space, with daily reinterpretations of aesthetic, cultural and political aspirations as conceptual starting points.

Exhibition curator: Dr.Sc. Sarita Vujković

The texts published in the exhibition catalogue were written by Dr.Sc. Sarita Vujković and the independent curator Tevž Logar.