Muzej savremene umjetnosti<br />Republike Srpske

Museum of Contemporary Art
of Republic of Srpska


Between 16 June and 26 August 2016, the Museum of Contemporary Art of the Republic of Srpska will host the exhibitionIlija Dimić – An Exhibition of Paintings and Structures” by artist and SANU member Dušan Otašević.


The exhibition Return to the Moon: A Short History of the Future is, at its heart, an attempt to show the connection between history, art, science and technology in an appealing and engaging way, and is also a new way of seeing the complex relations between the past and the future.


The Damien Hirst exhibition “New Religionˮ at the Museum of Contemporary Art of the Republic of Srpska was organised in association with the British Council and Paul Stolper Gallery in London, and it is the first time this artist has shown his work in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Exhibition "Contemporary Thesaurus" is an author project of the Museum of Contemporary Art of the Republic of Srpska. It is conceived as a new overview of contemporary visual arts scene in the Republic of Srpska and it is concentrated on current phenomena, media particularities, as well as theory development of the contemporary art scene over the past few years.